Film Title : The Night Watchman (DVD)
Also known as : 야경꾼일지 / 更夫日志 / Night Watchman’s Journal
Artist Name : Jung Il Woo | Go Sung Hee | Jung Yoon Ho | Seo Ye Ji
Subtitles : Indonesian | English
Episode : 24
Quantity Disc : 4 Disc
Genre : Period, Fantasy, Action, Romance
Based in the Joseon Times, This drama is about the crime prevention squad that used to patrol the streets from 9pm to 5am to catch ghosts.
This drama is about Lee Rin (Jung Il Woo), a prince who lives a lonely life outside the palace since childhood, even though he is born in the direct line of descent. Lee Rin has wealth and good looks but lives as a rebel to overcome internal struggles. Due to the fact that he can see ghosts, Lee Rin hides his secret and pain from childhood with a smiling face and playful behavior. After meeting Do Ha (Go Sung Hee), Lee Rin will be joining the team of night watchmen and becomes a true prince after seeing the lives of the citizens as he helps get rid of the ghosts.
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